Impeller design and efficiency is strongly linked to the other components that make up the jet-pump, i.e., gullet volumetric area, laminar transition of the intake housing, stator blade area and angle of trajectory, venturi rate of compression, venturi "bowl" area, exiting orifice dimension, mass and weight of the hull, and pump placement or. Jet boats need a stream of presurized water to move. iirc archimedes screws need to move slow and are only used for lifting fluids without adding pressure. for what its worth i am an engineer and use to work for an industrial pump manufacture. never did any impeller design tho.. Jet boat, water jet impeller. the computer-aided design ("cad") files and all associated content posted to this website are created, uploaded, managed and owned by third party users..
Forum posts represent the experience, opinion, and view of individual users. boat design net does not necessarily endorse nor share the view of each individual post.. An impeller (also written as impellor or impellar) is a rotor used to increase (or decrease in case of turbines) the pressure and flow of a fluid.. Modified jet drive with 2 blade impellers mounted in test rig carbon fiber prop shaft turnigy 2627 brushless 300-size heli motor 4200kv turnigy ae-30a brushless esc turnigy nano-tech 4500mah 3s 25.